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How To Remove Dog Poo From Carpet | 8 Easy Steps

Accidents are an inevitable part of life, particularly when they involve our much-loved pets. It can be challenging to determine the best course of action when your dog unexpectedly leaves a mess on your carpet. However, it’s crucial to address the situation rapidly and effectively to minimize the damage, remove the stain, and neutralize any unpleasant odors. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through 8 detailed steps to successfully eliminate dog poop and odors from your carpet. By following these guidelines, you can maintain a clean, fresh, and welcoming environment in your home, ensuring both you and your furry companion feel comfortable and at ease.

8 Steps to Remove Dog Poop from Carpet:

Step 1: Remove as much solid poop as possible

When faced with a dog poop accident (or dog vomit), and before you start cleaning the first step is to pick up as much of the solid waste as you can. Allow it to sit on the carpet without pressing it deeper into the carpet fibers. This will make it easier to clean the stain and prevent the mess from spreading. Remember to use a paper towel or a clean cloth to pick up the poo.

Step 2: Blot the stained area to soak up as much liquid as possible

Once you’ve removed the solid waste, it’s essential to blot the stained area with a clean, dry cloth or paper towel. Blotting helps to absorb any remaining liquid and prevents the stain from spreading further. Be sure to blot gently, starting from the outer edges and working your way towards the center.

Step 3: Create a Cleaning Solution to Combat Stains and Carpet Odor

Mix a cleaning solution to effectively break down the stain and neutralize carpet odor. One effective option is to combine equal parts white vinegar and water which works well for most carpets. This mixture can help eliminate dog urine or dog poop from your carpet. Another simple homemade solution can be made by mixing a tablespoon of liquid dish soap with a cup of water. 

Alternatively, you can use a store-bought enzymatic cleaner specifically designed for pet stains. Every product is different, so make sure to follow the instructions on the packaging. Always test stain remover, or cleaning product (even home remedies) on an inconspicuous area first to test for colorfastness.

Step 4: Apply the cleaning solution and allow it to sit

Pour or spray the cleaning solution onto the stain, ensuring that you cover the entire affected area. Allow the solution to sit for a few minutes, enabling it to penetrate and break down the stain effectively. This step is important to remove poop stains from your carpet and neutralize any unpleasant odors. Don’t forget about it though, and let it sit for too long. 

Step 5: Scrub the stain to get your carpet clean

After allowing the cleaning solution to sit, it’s time to scrub the stain gently. Use a clean cloth or a soft-bristled brush to work the solution into the stained area. Be cautious not to scrub too hard, as this can damage the carpet fibers. Continue scrubbing until the stain disappears or becomes significantly lighter. This step ensures effective stain removal. Repeat the process until the stain has gone.

Step 6: Rinse the area with water and vinegar

Once the stain has been scrubbed and appears to be lifting, it’s crucial to rinse the area with water. Dampen a clean cloth or sponge with water and vinegar solution (1:1 ratio) and gently remove the cleaning solution and any remaining stain residue. Avoid over-wetting the carpet to prevent water damage or mold growth. This step is important to ensure thorough cleaning.

Step 7: Neutralize odors with baking soda

To eliminate any lingering odors, sprinkle some baking soda over the affected area. Baking soda is a natural and effective odor absorber. Allow it to sit for a few hours or overnight to soak up as much odor as possible. Later, vacuum up the baking soda to remove the odors and any remaining moisture. This step contributes to a fresh and clean carpet.

Step 8: Allow the carpet to dry completely

After cleaning, it’s essential to allow the carpet to dry completely. Open windows or use fans to speed up the drying process. It’s important to ensure the carpet is thoroughly dry to prevent mold and mildew growth. Once the carpet is dry, vacuum the area to restore its texture and appearance, completing the cleaning process.

Hopefully, after you have completed these steps the stain is gone.

Preventing Future Dog Poo Accidents On Your Carpet

Preventing Future Dog Poo Accidents on Your Carpet

While accidents are bound to happen, there are proactive steps you can take to minimize the chances of future dog poo accidents on your carpet. By implementing these preventive measures and training your dog on proper bathroom habits, you can maintain a cleaner and more hygienic living space. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

  1. Establish a Consistent Bathroom Routine: Create a regular schedule for bathroom breaks and take your dog outside at designated times throughout the day. Dogs thrive on routine, and by establishing a consistent bathroom routine, you can help them develop good habits and reduce the likelihood of accidents indoors.
  2. Properly Supervise Your Dog: When indoors, keep a watchful eye on your dog, especially if they haven’t been fully trained or are still in the process of learning. Supervision allows you to intervene and redirect their behavior if they show signs of needing to relieve themselves. This can prevent accidents from occurring in the first place.
  3. Crate Training: Consider crate training your dog, especially when you’re unable to directly supervise them. Dogs have a natural instinct to keep their sleeping area clean, and crate training can help prevent accidents by confining them to a limited space where they are less likely to soil their surroundings. Ensure that the crate is appropriately sized and comfortable for your dog.
  4. Use a Designated Potty Area: Set up a designated potty area in your yard or balcony where your dog can comfortably relieve themselves. Train them to associate this area with bathroom breaks by consistently taking them there. Reward them with praise or treats when they use the designated area, reinforcing positive behavior.
  5. Regular Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Dogs that receive regular exercise and mental stimulation are generally less prone to accidents. A tired and mentally stimulated dog is more likely to have better control over their bodily functions. Engage your dog in physical activities, play sessions, and provide them with puzzle toys or interactive games to keep their minds occupied.
  6. Prompt Cleanup of Outdoor Accidents: If your dog has an accident outside, promptly clean up the waste to avoid any lingering odors that might attract them back to the same spot. Thoroughly clean the area with an enzymatic cleaner or a mixture of water and vinegar to eliminate any traces of odor.
  7. Regularly Clean Your Carpets: Maintaining a regular cleaning routine for your carpets is crucial, especially if you have a dog. Vacuum your carpets frequently to remove dirt, hair, and any potential remnants that may attract your dog to that area. Additionally, schedule professional carpet cleanings periodically to deep clean and refresh your carpets.  This will ensure that pet stains and odors don’t get a chance to set in.

By implementing these preventive measures, training your dog consistently, and creating a conducive environment, you can significantly reduce the chances of future dog poo accidents on your carpet. With time, patience, and positive reinforcement, your dog will develop good bathroom habits and contribute to a cleaner, odor-free living space.

When to Seek Professional Help To Get Dog Poop Out Of Carpet

If you’ve tried the steps above and still have a stubborn stain or lingering odors, it may be time to call in professional help. A professional carpet cleaner can treat the stain and remove any remaining odors, especially in delicate materials such as wool carpets.


Knowing how to effectively remove dog poo from your carpet is essential for maintaining a clean, fresh, and inviting home environment. Accidents happen, but by following the 8 easy steps outlined in this guide, you can tackle dog poop stains and odors with confidence.

Remember, the key is to act quickly and address the situation promptly. Remove as much solid waste as possible, blot the stained area, and apply a suitable cleaning solution to break down the stain and neutralize odors. Scrub gently, rinse thoroughly, and use baking soda to absorb any unwanted odors. Finally, allow your carpet to dry completely to prevent any potential mold or mildew growth.

Preventing future dog poo accidents on your carpet is equally important. Establishing a consistent bathroom routine, supervising your dog, and considering crate training or a designated potty area can significantly reduce the chances of accidents. Regular exercise, mental stimulation, and proper carpet maintenance are additional steps that contribute to a clean and hygienic living space.

By taking proactive measures and training your furry friend, you can create a harmonious environment where accidents are minimized, and both you and your dog can enjoy a clean and fresh home.

Remember, accidents are a part of life, but with the right knowledge and approach, you can effectively handle them, ensuring that your carpet remains in great condition and your home remains a comfortable haven for both you and your beloved pet.

So, the next time you encounter a dog poo mishap on your carpet, refer back to this guide, follow the steps diligently, and restore cleanliness and freshness to your living space.

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